
TerraFIRMA aims to deliver:

  • a suite of novel future climate projections, investigating the risks and impacts associated with overshooting key global warming targets and the reversibility of any triggered changes and impacts,
  • an assessment of a range of mitigation options to limit future climate change, while also considering other policy goals such as air quality, human health and food security.
  • An improved understanding of key Earth system phenomena and their interactions, leading to the release of a new configuration of the UK Earth System Model; UKESM2


TerraFIRMA addresses both opportunities to achieve the UNFCCC Paris Agreement target (keeping global mean temperatures below 2°C above pre-industrial values) and the risks associated with exceeding this target.


Credit: Pietro Naj-Oleari / © European Union 2016 – European Parliament.

Our science covers Earth system modelling and scenarios, domain-specific models, international datasets and observations, bringing together researchers across different disciplines, such as atmospheric and ocean science, the carbon cycle and ecosystems, ice sheets, groundwater modelling, Earth observations and computational science.